Hi Everyone :)
Well ... it's been a while ....
So much has been going on in my life it's much too long a story to write down and bore you with lol
Suffice to say, I have had some personal / health issues which caused me to completely lose interest and my mojo disappeared completely :(
Recently I've been trying to get myself back on the straight and narrow and, although my health problems still exist, I'm trying hard to be pro-active with them and not let them get me down.
The most amazing thing that has happened to me is that 5 weeks ago my daughter gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl ... Maisie ... she is simply adorable and has changed my life!!
So today, I've spent my time completely re-vamping my blog with a view to getting back to posting regularly and starting to maybe enter some challenges again ... see how things go :)
I hope that some of my original followers are still out there and that maybe I'll come up on your feed and you will pop by from time to time to visit me :)
Unfortunately I have work tomorrow and Wednesday but I'll be back soon posting away lol
So ... have a good evening everyone and I'll catch up with you very soon